Que pasá en Ecuador?


The spirit of travel is carrying me far and wide it seems like my restless soul is trying me to see this world indeed. All I’ve really been looking for is a quiet place to write and work with my dance&music thing. Instead of doing what every other sane traveler is doing by moving from south to north or from north to south, in my case that would have been to travel along the coast of Peru to Ecuador then Colombia and then further to Central America, I am drawn yet again to the capital of Peru that is Lima. Just so I deemed it that my solar plexus or the central star of my journey should be Lima in Peru, I’ve now even found a reason to enlighten this decision somewhat further and deeper than I ever dreamt of… Sure the prophecies have been indicating love in my life. But stubborn as I am I just wanted to focus on work, have to get that thing going haven’t I? Can I truly have it all? Well we will see… 😉

So the plan was to chill out a month in the upper north of Peru,  precisely in Mancóra, before I will got to Buenos Aires in September. Beautiful, sunny and windy Mancóra. Too cold really to hang around all day on the beach so I realized one more of my dreams by finally starting with Kite Surfing lessons, what an elemental adventure indeed. But in the end it seemed too boring to hang out there and we voted for a side trip to Ecuador, precisely the surfer mecca of Montañita, located in the national reserve park Machalilla. Here we found ample people and fiesta going on, but it was even more chilly and rainy in addition. Well the winter south of the equator certainly does feel like the summer at home, not so bad 😉 And with the prospect of another summer approaching when in my domestic hemisphere it actually is winter, I do not mind the clouds while I play with the waves in the Pacific Ocean.  Just for my taste the scene here is to consumerist that’s why we’ll head off soon if not to warmer land but to new adventures in the city of witches – more to come soon on this channel 😉

Meanwhile I’ve been thinking of the means of economic traveling and how in Ecuador environmental protection is an ambivalent mission. There are laws protecting the environment but they are always in conflict with the interests of economic progress. In a country with a BIP of $3200 per person, not a minder consideration. Furthermore the ever present corruption does not make it easier to protect the environment. I am reminded of a true story from India, where the state provided a lot of money to build filter plants for the terribly polluted river Ganges, only to enrich the local politicians who built fake plants and bigger villas for themselves. In Ecuador the oil industry has brought much devastation, including the difficult drilling in the midst of the selva = ancient rainforest. With a governmental change things move on to protect the country of indigenous tribes like the Achuar. But I am not yet really the specialist to tell you anything about what is really going on there, thus I rather let you with some references of people who know way better about this than I do.




I want to know more of Ecuador but for now my experience has been limited to Montañita, its delicious multicultural food and the experience of whale watching – which was most amazing.

Because in the end I got distracted once more in indulging in my favorite manner of body art also known as Tattoo art, this last piece completing the four elements in animal representation with the hummingbird, known as Kolibri in my native tongue, or Picaflor in my language of choice nowadays;) By artist Luis from Trujillo. I like!

Foto by Daniel Etchudez, Buenos Aires


Your traveling gipsy


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The Wisdom of Nature


All attributes I’d wanted to discover on my journey and guess what I found more!  How far I’ve travelled in the inner world there is no human speech to talk of this. Mind not the words are flowing for this is a new way of Being I’ve found.

How come? Well let’s say I’ve been in touch with a different dimension, an organic one.

In the western Amazonia rainforest, la selva, in Pucallpa Peru, 3 hours by car, 30 minutes by boat on the river Pachitea  and one hour by foot is a hot river with steaming waters. Along its shores wise men and a woman have built a Nature and Healing Center of the different kind. At the southwestern shores of the Amazonia rainforest amidst lush vegetation  people are invited to step through the doors of consciousness  into their inner world. A world of plant spirits and sea goddesses, tarantulas and hummingbirds, the Came Renako, Mucura, Chakruna and Ayahuasca  master plants. The sacredness of all is worshipped in a simple and realistic manner, life follows its mystic patterns, family values held high. The mind stimulated and the soul healed.

How is it done? You prepare yourself with a clean diet. No sugar, no salt, no meat, no spices, no coffee, no alcohol. Then the first step is to go through a purge, this means you drink a strong plant like Tobacco or Huancaui that will make you puke out all the poisoning that accumulated in your being not just on a physical level. Opening new possibilities of perception and serving as a container to hold the ageold and abiding wisdom of the plants you are going to ingest subsequently. This might be for protection, for healing of specific issues and visionary understanding. The plant medicine is blessed with sacred tobacco smoke and consumed three times a day along with a light and simple diet. Every 2 or 3 days the Maestro holds a ceremony. The effect of the powerful Ayahuasca and Chakruna mixture is different on each person, its Healing capacity tremendous. I care not to describe my experience in public, let it be said though that I’ve merged with the Earth and from this state emerged a new Beingness. After all the stress I have finally found peace, after all the loss I have finally found love, after all the doubts I finally trust. Now life is enfolding and I am tremendously grateful for the flow of creativity and the waves of love. Yes we do create our lives indeed and magic happens!

YMT Mancora, Peru (where I intend to set up my first medicine dance, ahyee!!

For more fotos please visit www.facebook.com/goddesstraveldiary


The Moon Temples

My little preconception was that the Inka culture was predominantly male based. But as you can see from my previous article The Andean Cosmovision, it is all about balance & equilibrium. Yin & Yang, Male & Female, Dark & Light, Above & Below – and in between we humans spiritually begotten by the Father Sun and the Mother Moon (still trying to find out what is the significance of the Pachamamma or is she also “just” part of the middle world like we humans?!).

Coming from a Goddess Tradition my interest in the Moon Temples naturally is of high relevance. Feeling blessed of the experiences I am allowed to make here some insights about the moon temples I visited so far.

First one was in Pisaq at the ceremonial place called Intiwatana and it was when I started to feel the spirits of the mountains, called Apus, recognizing me. So they send me an Indio guide who later invited me to an Inca ceremony high up by a mountain laguna, an incredible blessing. The sounds of the traditional pan’s pipe drifting on the waves produced by the wind getting in contact with the water and I was reminded that I can fly like an Eagle because there is really just one journey in this life!

Of all the great places I’ve already visited of course Machu Pichhu is the most famous and most amazing place! Unsurprisingly there is a temple of the moon as well but located a 6 hours march from the MP center where the customary bathes, houses, astronomical observatory, and of course the Temple of the Sun are located.  It happened so that I even was up the Wayna Picchu from where it would have taken me only 2 more hours to get there (and of course 3 back and the day would have been gone…). Why I didn’t even attempt to go there is for the strange reason that I’ve met 2 guys, one in Pisaq and one in MP who were telling me exactly the same: “Don’t go to the temple of the moon it is super exhausting and absolutely not worth it!”  Later though I talked to a guy who works there for 16 years and is very attached to the place, explaining me the energy of the Temple of the Moon (a cave!) in Machu Picchu is so high people cannot bear to be there for very long, so it’s the perfect place to find solitude and practice ritual!! Hearing this I just put it out there that please, visiting MP wasn’t a once in a lifetime experience and should I return to Cuzco I will attempt to visit this magic place, yes!

Because how strong the energy of such a moon dedicated cave is I was allowed to experience a few days later. Wanting to visit the Temple of Water situated 11km from Cusco in a place called Tambomachay I made myself up for a little walking. Tambomachay was a blessing despite the disallowance of approaching the sacred wells representing the Water of Life for the Incas, I was able to wash and drink the sacred water before going on a lovely lonesome exploration of the Sacred Valley’s Sierra. Imagine I found a ritual space rounded with stones and containing eight fireplaces and super strong energy from current usage, there I could also enjoy a 360 degree view of the mountains delighting in the space and blessing they provide.

Following my nose or having my feed guided, one can never be so sure;) I made it down a valley along a river tempted to go up to the caves I discovered but walking on just to see from far what looked like an artificial hill, Silbury UK style, containing just a few old steps and fallen walls. The old women selling souvenirs there confirmed it, yes I’d found another temple of the moon and this one extremely special! Because in the hill there was in fact a cave, at the entrance of that cave one can find (with some imagination…;) the reliefs of the snake, the jaguar, and the condor! Inside there is the structures of  a woman’s body on the cave’s ceiling and after I was finally alone there I just let myself be filled by the lunar power praying for my dreams to become stronger and clearer because this is the path! A magic day indeed.

Next I’d been up to the Island of the Moon at the Titicaca Lake in Bolivia. One boat a day tuckers out there, a slow and windy 3 hours boat ride pleasurable nevertheless with the view over this amazing ocean of the Andes with snowy peaks in the background.

The temple itself is rather fallen down with some arches rather cheaply reconstructed (for more pictures go to my facebook page!) the location is amazing overwhelming and venerable. I imagine the priestesses of old pilgering out there to honor their mother the Moon. Just what I really felt out there is how we as a human race (luckily with exceptions!) are disconnected to nature. Tourists are shipped to the sacred places to take a few pictures and buy souvenirs. Nothing more, really?! I’ve discovered offerings of stones and flowers in the niches, left my own, happily knowing that some people still refer to the powers of this place. The energy vibrates if one just cares to listen, the spirits of the death reside there.

My last archeological exploration lead me to what is also referred to as the oldest city of the world, Tiahuanaco in Bolivia. It’s rather off the beaten track and I went there because it is supposedly also aligned to the stars 15’000 years ago (…) like other ancient sites for example the Sphinx in Egypt and Ankor Wat in Cambodia. These things fascinate me to no end, the reality is certainly that the culture of Tiahuanaco is pre-Incan and about 3000 years old. They built subterranean temples, step pyramids, and huge intricately designed monolith statues, the most famous monument being the Sun Portal. A one piece stone door that is of course aligned to the equinoxes. Happily surprised I was to find here also a Moon Portal (La Puerta de la Luna) where I left my offerings as I was instructed at what I call the Puma Temple but this is another story 😉

I send this with warm greetings from La Paz the amazing capital of Bolivia, where I am happily enjoying the hospitality of a beautiful (inside and out 😉 witch sister I have found through Couchsurfing. Tomorrow I will go on my 3 day journey to the rainforest (La Selva!), the Amazon of Peru where I will work with a Shaman and learn more about the use of the sacred plants, woow 😀


gipsy soul


Cosmovisión Andina – Andean Cosmovision

The next thing I really would like to share is about the Inca Worldview. Those familiar with the Shamanic worldview will certainly find equalities, no wonder have we not taken our modern neo-shamanic techniques exactly from the high cultures of the Americas.

The Inca world consisted of 3 worlds:

  • Hana Pacha, this is the world above where the Gods live like the Sun, the Moon, Lightening, Stars & the Rainbow. It is represented by the sacred bird the Great Condor.
  • Kay Pacha, this is the world of the here now where humans, animals and plants live. It is represented by the sacred wildcat the Jaguar.
  • Ukhu Pacha, this is the world below where the dead, the spirits and the sick live. It is represented by the sacred Snake.

This trilogy I’ve already encountered on many places. In the old ceremonial centers one can fine stones cut with the three steps and representations of the sacred animals have been found in caves. It is also a common subject in modern art.

Cosmovisión Andina by Luis Alberto Miranda found at a special exhibition at the museum of regional history

OMG I love this place! They’ve just paraded a Mother Mary statue outside my window, along with music and dancers;) Yes this all is why I want to be here, to understand more the sacredness of this world, el mundo magico de Peru! The animals have called me that is for sure, or else I wouldn’t have tattooed them forever on my body.

All things have a soul and we are all connected. Gracias Tata Ini (Padre Sol) y Pahxi Mama (Madre Luna) tomorrow on my last day in Cusco I will go to the lagoons in the mountains to experience an authentic Inca ceremony, what a blessing this journey.

May the power be with us.
Gipsy Soul

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In the Lands of Pachamamma :-D

My dears

After 12 days in Cusco I can happily report to slowly getting used to the Peruvian way of life .:-D The headaches from a little high altitude sickness are gone, the unbearable living situation changed, first friends made and slowly but surely learning how to live the cheap and local way. Choose between a meal on the street (1-3S/=.40-1.20$) or in a restaurant for locals (6-8S/=2.40-3.20$) or in a tourist restaurant (from $20 upwards). Can’t stand these tourist crowds anyway, and really what is better an Alpaca Steak with fancy Quinoa risotto or some carne y una papata on a spit? Same goes with the driving around, in the city a taxi is 3S/, the collectivo is .60S/ hey that’s 1$ saved per ride!! Or the bus ride to the countryside is like 2-3S/ the taxi 30-50S/ (unless you use the local one which is 5S/) and the tourist agency charge like 40$.

But enough of the business that is life… I am tired today after visiting the Suyaiwari community, another great day spent walking around the Sacred Valley and the highlight certainly was being able to use a kitchen, cut some veggies and cook Italian style pasta! They’re really nice and the house is fantastic, the work sounds interesting but I am not sure if I like the area (the river there is really contaminated unfortunately) but I will consider going to live there for a while later in the year.

So for know I just would like to share some pictures of the Pachamamma I encountered on my way so far.

Powerful Inka Style

Fertile Amazonian Style

Christian Style, Mary of the Milk or something;)

And as Mother Ayahuasca

Liebe Grüsse, Küsse & Umarmungen

die Zigeunerseele;)

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One woman two bags

FINALLY I’m on the road!! currently waiting for my connection to Frankfurt-PuertoRico-Panama-Lima-Cusco. In the air for the next 30 hours yes 😉

Saying goodbye to my loved Ones has been difficult and wonderful. My friends are such sweethearts and I know I am loved. To know this will help me now that I am all alone out there in the big world! Personally I’m on a haze unsure about what to feel, the excitment darkened by the suffering of a full life left behind. This fullness is also reflected by the size and weight of my two bags. But I know with every step I take the weight will become less and my freedom more!

so be it
with blessings and gratitude


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Dancing in the Flames

Following up on my experience with the Black Madonna, I would like to share this movie with you which has just been an incredible inspiration to me at these times.

Yes: Trust!!!

So long;)

Dancing in the Flames



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To the lands of Pachamamma

My Dears

One month before take off I am experiencing feelings I seem unable to hold. What to do with all the excitement, the panic, the joy, and sadness?

Excited because there is so much adventure ahead and I am fulfilling my dream to go on an open end journey around the world, also known as vagabounding 😉

Panicked because I’ve let everything go that used to be mine and home and save and secure, like a job and a place to live. All I need I will carry in my heart and on my back and this does create some sort of restructuring of my being that is painful at times.

Joyful I am because now I have the chance to reinvent myself, to be the best self I can be and for a time just to relax before I head into the next projects which are very sure to come.

And sad I am because I leave so many wonderful friends and family behind. In the end this is the most important thing in life always and forever. We will miss each other and we will see each other again for sure! Glad to know they know I just have to go now.

So I just want to share this beautiful picture, of an unfortunately unidentifiable artist of Pachamma holding her child.

Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again.

Alma Gitana


Travel theme: Street Markets

Every Goddess likes to shop so I would like to join my fellow travel bloggers on this weeks travel theme. A nice preparation for the roads out and about I would say.

Friday morning at the weekly market at Zurich Bürkliplatz. Buy a bag of rose leaves and sprinkle your bed for a romantic night a-deux 😉

One of my favorite stalls in Antigua Guatemala’s daily market: Candelas, Aqua Florida and other magical stuff used for religious purposes.

At the same market I found these “Konfetti” not sure what they do with this stuff throughout the year but I thought it’s funny and beautiful.

I love fresh fruit, especially Pinepples and Mangos. Unfortunately with the later I usually make quite a mess when trying to cut them, the more I am impressed with these beautiful Mangos on the Stick version here found in Aquas Azules in Chiapas Mexico.

My absolute favorite in the streets of Goa India: Fresh Sugar Cane juice. Just add a little lemon and you have the sweetest most refreshing beverage possible.

And last but not least a little selection of fresh herbs and spices as they are widely available in markets of Cairo Egypt.

So long.

Alma Gitana – Gipsy Soul

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The Black Madonna of Einsiedeln

As a passionate dancer of the 5 Rhythms, an ecstatic dance practice with deep transformational properties, I often end up dancing barfoot in rather unexpected places, or places a nature loving pagan like me usually wouldn’t visit. Isn’t it that God doesn’t need a house, God Is the house. Since many years you do meet me ritualizing and dancing in the spacious and plain protestant church of St. Jakob in Zurich Stauffacher that is now often referred to as the Open Church, because you will find Sufis, Yogis and other alternative folks there. This winter the church parish even hosted a group of political activists of Occupy Paradenplatz, at least until the revolution turned into something more like a soup kitchen.

Dancing the light and the shadow of the Yin and Yang recently in a group of 120 people in a small circle with two very good woman friends, it was a touching mystical moment when I felt the presence of the Black Madonna dancing with us, all our suffering and our pain mystified, transformed, shed and shaken off like snakes shedding their skin, cleansing, loving and deeply caring. She called upon me. It was a new energy and still so known. Dark Kali shook her necklace of skulls while our Mother Isis wiped away our tears. She’s been calling me strongly the Lady in Black ever since.

Destiny must have wanted that a very special person who has come into my life at this crucial times, invited me along to his house at the lake Sihl near the monastery of Einsiedeln on the Camino de Santiago

Spending the long weekend of holy Pentecost in a sort of sacred communion between Aphrodite and Dionysus, or was it Pan who visited Her in the night? We took upon us the pilgrimage and visited Her along the entourage of Angels. Out of fear of her dark powers so do I believe she is kept in a faraday cage. No hindrance for the little witch though slipping spirit close and inside, sinking to the floor in front of Her in ancient subjugation humility and gratitude for all She gives is Love & Protection to Her Children.

Her Grace to You my Friends


Salve Regina

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve;
to thee do we send up our sighs,
mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.

Turn then, most gracious advocate,
thine eyes of mercy toward us;
and after this our exile,
show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.