
Who is Gipsy Soul? I see myself as a dreamer who has become a magician. Now I actively create my life and want to write about how I grew from a wild and crazy adolescent into a brainwashed system robot to finally transform into a free and creative person. My life is a story about finding balance between creation and destruction, excess and simplicity, fire and water.

I am a Dancer, Healer, Shaman, Teacher, Student, Priestess, Artist, Witch & Writer continuing my souls’ growth in this life and in these amazing times. My religion is Nature as earth is my body, water my blood, air my breath and fire my spirit. I care about self responsibility, personal empowerment, devotion, music, dance, pleasure, people, animals, plants and stones. I am blessed, in awe, and eternally grateful for the limitless possibilities life provides.

I studied economics and have worked as a project manager and web tool developer for more than a decade. But I have always been different and my search has lead me on many, sometimes dangerous, detours as I love to party and to experiment. My spiritual path found a name when I realized living in London back in 1999 that naturereligion and witchcraft is not something only from fantasy books but still practiced today. I have since been initiated as a witch and priestess, leading rituals to honor the cycles of nature and transformation phases in life. After a severe car accident in 2000 my studies into shamanic healing and energy work began to take form. I trained four years as an integrative energy therapist at snowlion center school, followed by several years of training in conscious ecstatic dancing at the school of movement medicine.

My practice and healing work is that of a modern shaman as I access the spiritual and the physical planes to reflect and assist in personal empowerment, earth healing and dancing the dream. Currently I live in Zurich Switzerland and from next year on I will be travelling the world with the intention of giving up everything I’ve ever known and thus being able to give everything I’ve come here to give.

For more information about my work visit my webpage www.soulnature.ch  (still work in progress ;)

2 comments on “About

  1. Thank you for the follow! I look forward to reading your blog… 😀

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